First shop i found with legitness
Im glad you trust me
— reply from emseServicess+++ rep
Thanks for your purchase again :D
— reply from emseServicess+ legit person
Thanks <3
— reply from emseServicess+rep for spotify acc0nt
No more ads to you mate - thanks for purchase
— reply from emseServicessEasy login to minecraft acc
CHeap account that what we love
— reply from emseServicess+rep
Thanks for your purchase
— reply from emseServicessgood instructions
Thanks :D
— reply from emseServicessLegit visa cards
Thanks for your purchase mate
— reply from emseServicess+ rep great shop here
Im really glad for your happiness
— reply from emseServicessLegit shop
Thanks for purchase body :)
— reply from emseServicessGiftcards working i got some replacement on 10 cards
Im sry about the 10 first cards there didt work - but thanks for your purchase
— reply from emseServicessamazon account working - changeable details
Thanks for your purchase <3
— reply from emseServicess+ rep fast and helpfull support
Im always helpfull if you got problems just make a ticket
— reply from emseServicessLegit - Amazon scam method
Amazon is cooked now :D - thanks for purchase :D
— reply from emseServicess+ REP - instant delivery
— reply from emseServicessLitterly just add your paypal account to cashout the m0ney on the survey account
Yea its "litterly" free money - thanks for purchase
— reply from emseServicessWorking but got some problems with the account in the start then emse replaced my order with a new account - good support.
Ofc i make replacement of problems :D
— reply from emseServicessI got problems with my amazon storecard because the security banned my cards everytime and then i joined the support discord to get help. emse told me to read the instructions again and i saw a solution to fix the problem, then i bought this bypasser some worked well.
again the security is ass but we always got a solution to bypass it - thanks for your purchase body <3
— reply from emseServicessTemu refund method working free items
ahaha we love free items
— reply from emseServicessI just bought amazon storecard (3x) and i got some problems in the start with amazon security but then i saw there was instructions to bypass this security.
Yea i hate the security but there is always a solution to fix it :D
— reply from emseServicessBought a netflix account and got it instant and working
We love instant delivery, thanks for your purchase :D
— reply from emseServicessI purchase a windows 10 key and i worked with no problems - easy instructions
Thanks body
— reply from emseServicessVoucher for HQ Best buy cards
Thanks for your purchase mate <3
— reply from emseServicessFirst i got all card details but i didt know how it worked so i maked a ticket on discord support server i i got help - so greate
Thanks for your purchase im glad we made it work
— reply from emseServicessits a virus
Why would i sell a virus, you can try scan it with your antivirus
— reply from emseServicessPlease stay away from this lying son of a bitch. Says it will work everywhere and later tells to shit follow guide. When i inform him that its not working, his response "wtf!!" yeah idiot. I informed you cause they were not working. Later he asks you to open ticket. HE is very fast to reply when you are about to purchase any item from him, but the moment you have issues, he disappears. No replies, and support tickets are joke. Moreover he has no proof of credibility in his own discord. All the proofs are posted by him not even one customer can vouch for his services in his own discord. Shithead
I helped you and answered you everytime so pls fuck off with all of theese fake reviews and congrats with blacklist. And next time follow the instructions i can litterly get it to work by my self but you dont listing to me.
— reply from emseServicessNo one is working scam
If they dont work then make a ticket so you can get replacement instead of calling people out for scamming just because you dont cant get it to work
— reply from emseServicessit worked but bad support
Im sorry if i was bad to respond you but i have been on a holiday thats why
— reply from emseServicessdoesn’t work and closed my ticket on discord
You closed it by your self and yes i Can See it in the loge if you need help with something “not” working make a ticket and wait for answer thanks
— reply from emseServicess"You say you follow my instructions but said to me you used a free vpn" - I used a premium vpn and I told you that so stop lying He kicked me off the discord as he didnt want to deal with anyone calling him out even though I payed 20+ USD DO NOT TRUST BIG SCAM (He will reply to this review with false claims like last time) If you want to make it right emse contact my discord you know what it is
1. You think you are the only one there need help. 2. You say you follow my instructions but said to me you used a free vpn 3. First did you try to login to the account without follow the instructions so stop make fake reviews
— reply from emseServicessOwner is claiming im making fake reviews, he kicked me off the discord server so that he didnt have to deal with anyone calling him out. He claims that I used a free vpn which I actually stated I used a premium payed one + the a VPN HE PERSONALLY RECOMMENDED. Please do not trust these amazon scams and take your business somewhere else. I payed over 20USD on his products and none work and watch him reply to this making false claims to protect his stupid income
1. You think you are the only one there need help. 2. You say you follow my instructions but said to me you used a free vpn 3. First did you try to login to the account without follow the instructions so stop make fake reviews
— reply from emseServicessI bought 15x Amazon Store card. 13 of them worked fine and 2 didt but then i maked a ticket on the owners support discord and he replaced the 2 there didt work so i got 2 new fresh some worked.
none of them work. Support is useless, I kept telling him the cards aren't working and his only response is "they do work"
I am likely tio see where i dont help you because i have Said you dont listen to me and not Reading what im written so its hard to help you when you dont Will take the help
— reply from emseServicessNone of them works
Pls make a ticket if they not work
— reply from emseServicessNone of the cards are working.
Why do you not open a discord ticket so?
— reply from emseServicessgooood
They don't work
If you have a problem with your order pls make a ticket on We dont sell items that dont work.
— reply from emseServicessI LOVE YOu
Automatic feedback after 7 days
Next time, write your own review pls. but thanks for your purchase
— reply from emseServicess